Building Reality Into the American Dream

Building Reality Into the American Dream

Building Reality Into the American Dream.  Image courtesy of  Stuart Miles /

Building Reality Into the American Dream. Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

It wasn’t quite real until she saw it firsthand. Quenetria “Que” Harris had just dropped her three-year-old son Ja’kyi off at school when she drove up to thank a few of the more than 100 REALTOR® volunteers working to make her new home a reality.

“It hit me because they just put the walls up,” said Harris, the recipient of one of three East New Orleans–area homes that were part of Wednesday’s REALTOR® Build Day organized in conjunction with the 2014 REALTORS® Conference & Expo. “I’m shocked; it’s overwhelming… I haven’t met any of these people and they are just doing this out of the kindness of their hearts.”

But those who showed up ready to work were hardly shocked by the turnout.

“That’s what REALTORS® do. We make a difference,” said NAR President Steve Brown. He noted that the volunteers were among the select few able to participate in the sold-out event: “There were only 150 slots for today’s build. What does that tell you about our organization?”

NAR began the REALTORS® Volunteer Build Program at the annual conference in Chicago in 2001, and has continued to host an event at every conference host city since. This year marks the fourth build in the city of New Orleans, which is also the location of the two largest REALTORS® Volunteer Builds ever, in terms of volunteers.

“You guys were here in 2006 right after Katrina, when our fragile and beautiful city needed you most,” said Marguerite Oestreicher, chief advancement officer for the New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity. “REALTORS® know better than most of our other volunteer groups what a difference home ownership makes in the life of a family.” Harris and her son expect to move in to their home by Christmas.

—By REALTOR® Magazine